
24x7 NOC Services

We monitor and support your IT infrastructure 24/7/365 allowing you focus on your core business.

iProtecs allows you to offload your IT Infrastructure monitoring tasks to a trustworthy service provider, if your network goes down that translates into lost productivity, decreased customer service and satisfaction, and ultimately, reduced profits.

Managing and monitoring network operations is resource intensive. That's why our NOC is staffed with a team of experienced support professionals and manages the 24x7 demands of hundreds of networks and IT applications, so you can focus your attention and resources on your core business competencies.

Only IProtecs provides a level of customization that is tailor-made to meet the needs of your infrastructure, your staff, and your budget.

We only report on what makes sense - whether it's every incident, or only major alarms. Depending on the selected level of service, our NOC staff can merely report or troubleshoot or escalate - either to our expert staff or yours. We'll do what works best for your business. And getting started is easy - we'll walk you through every step of the way.